• ARRL EXPO and Hamvention¨ 2022 a Great Success

    From Andre Robitaille@VERT/RDOMENTR to ARRL de WD1CKS on Fri May 27 07:40:47 2022
    Re: ARRL EXPO and Hamvention¨ 2022 a Great Success
    By: ARRL de WD1CKS to QST on Fri May 27 2022 12:49 am

    An ARRL Youth Outreach forum on Friday highlighted resources and ideas for attracting and developing young hams. ARRL Education and Learning Manager Steve Goodgame, K5ATA, led the crowd of attendees through a highly interactive session discussing strategies, tools, and reasons for engaging youth. Centered around the theme of 'How and Why to Engage Youth in Amateur Radio," forum attendees participated in discussion groups and shared their findings throughout the forum. The entire presentation was recorded by Josh Nass, KI6NAZ, and can be viewed on his YouTube channel, Ham Radio Crash Course, atÿhttps://youtu.be/QZco6tElKBc[1].

    I'll have to go watch this, but I'm placing my bet now. A bunch of guys in their 70s who have no direct contact with youth talking about what youth are interested in.

    My favorite anecdote was when I was sitting on a Section Youth Coordinator call and a bunch of people were talking about reaching youth through social media by setting up a Facebook Group. I asked one of the two people under 18 on the call if kids use Facebook. She replied, "I don't know anyone that's even been on it."

    - Andre

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